Antiaging & Therapeutic Fitness System
(Heal, Energize, Strengthen & Detox All At Once)

NOTE: If you are a LEN member you will get Healercise automatically as part of your membership.

To sweeten the pot I've put together the Endless Energy and Healing Package of beyond valuable instant bonuses. I'll tell you a little more about them further below after I give you a basic rundown on what Healercise can do for you.

Plus: You Get a Major Update To My Classic Energy and Healing Program


Recently I completed a major improvement and update to the Forbidden Tibetan Energy Exercises (FTEE) program that I first put out in 2007. This is the third major update so it is FTEE version 3. This update is crucial because up until recently I was only getting HALF the benefit from the doing the FTEE the original way.

Thanks to advice from DS I made a major change in how I do FTEE and it has been 100% worth it. The advice I got from DS on this was absolutely contrary to what I have read in the past about the "right" way to do this. But what I read in the past turned out to be plain ignorant of what is really going on in the body.

I have already proven in the first two versions of FTEE that the typical teachings on this exercise weren't always accurate. And now I have made another big improvement to the system thanks to DS in FTEE 3.

More info on Healercise below...




NOTE: Healercise is a different method of exercise than you have probably ever seen. It's not calisthenics or bodyweight exercises and you don't need any weights or exercise equipment whatsoever. Plus it is one of the absolute best fitness systems for healing the body and hence the name HEALercise.

List of Healercise Benefits


Strengthen, oxygenate and improve the function of every cell, organ, bone, joint, tendon, ligament, artery, blood cell, lymphocite, system and muscle in your body.

Energy Explosion:

You are going to have so much extra energy that you are going to be shocked. As a result your productivity will improve dramatically.

Way Better Than Coffee: 

The energizing results are far superior to drinking acidic, carcinogenic and health destroying coffee. Yes this actually makes you more awake and alert than drinking coffee and it won't cost you a penny to do it.

No More Naps Necessary:

This is a super energizing way of exercising. Even if you haven't had enough sleep you will feel energized after doing just 3 to 5 minutes of Healercise. I have not needed my almost daily nap anymore since I started doing this. 

May Need Less Sleep:

I've been functioning great on about 1.5 hours less sleep than normal as a result of doing Healercise and the Holy Grail Antiaging Fitness System (HGAFS) combined. (You will also get instant access to my detailed report HGAFS as an instant bonus.)

Improves Circulation: 

Absolutely fantastic for improving circulation to your legs, feet, arms, hands, brain etc. These are by far the best exercises I have ever done for increasing circulation. 

Major Detoxifier:

Improves lymphatic system flow at least 15 times over normal.

Strengthens the immune system dramatically:

Lymphatic system is also a major part of your immune system. This will also make it much less likely that you will catch a cold or the flu because your immune system is much more powerful as a result of doing this daily.

Get a Natural High:

When you start doing this daily the feeling of euphoria will build up more day by day. It's these feelings of euphoria and massive energy levels that will make you want to stick with the program.

Delivers Extra Oxygen to all of Your Cells:

This is why you will feel such a fantastic natural high from doing Healercise daily. The extra oxygen gets you high and super mentally focused and sharp. 

Injury Rehabilitation:

This style of exercises is great for rehabing injuries. I am currently using it with my own shoulder injury and am seeing and feeling a rapid increase in shoulder mobility.

No and Low Impact:

Many of the exercises are no impact at all. The rest of them are very low to low impact. Hence a great fitness system for seniors.

Will Make You Faster:

Healercise naturally builds speed into all of your muscles. Not just your legs.

Increases Muscular Endurance:

This also increases the endurance of your muscles. 

No Equipment Workout:

You can do Healercise at home with just a little floor space. Or at the park. Or when you are traveling as you don't need any equipment. And you can also do many of these exercises while talking a walk.

Will NOT Give You Big Muscles:

If you want big muscles this is NOT the workout for you. It is not designed for building big muscles. But it will absolutely strengthen your muscles and increase the amount of oxygen your muscles are receiving.

Improves Balance:

Strengthens the vestibular system in your ears which has to do with balance. 

Increases Aerobic Fitness:

Healercise improves lung capacity and your overall stamina. It is done via exercises that increase the heart rate to aerobic exercise levels and even some anaerobic or high intensity exercises that will make you huff and puff. Whether you choose to do the high intensity version of these exercises is up to you.

Improve Skin Quality:

Exercise has been proven to thicken and strengthen the skin. 

Strengthens Your Heart and Lungs:

Any time you do high intensity kinds of exercises like sprinting you automatically strengthen your heart and lungs. Yes this makes it less likely you will have a heart attack.

Decalcify Your Pineal Gland or Third Eye: 

Yes I have developed specific Healercise exercises for the brain itself. I just asked DS and he said that these exercises are quite good at decalcifying the pineal gland.

Apparently that is a problem I am still dealing with. DS told me this already back in 2020 and says it is still a problem for me. The problem appears to be the massive amount of tap water I used to drink. In the early to mid 1970s there wasn't this big craze of drinking spring water or filtered water. So I was constantly drinking flouridated water from the water fountain at school and summer camp and never thought there was a problem with it. And we just drank the tap water at home for many years before we started buying spring water.

So I am going to start concentrating a lot more on these exercises so that my third eye can open up more and hence improve my communication with my team of Divine friends. 



The Endless Energy and Healing Package

 These bonuses work hand in hand with Healercise. 

1. The Forbidden Tibetan Energy Exercise 3.0

Main Benefits:  

* Increases energy levels - Which may have to do with the next reason below.

* Improves the health of your endocrine system. (Yes, as I have been trying to emphasize recently physical exercise has been proven to heal the body in many different ways.)

* Fall asleep earlier. Lessens insomnia. (This is because it increases melatonin production via stimulating the pineal gland which creates melatonin. Many times have I felt tired much earlier at night after I have used the FTEE earlier in the day.)

* Energizes your chakras or spiritual energy centers of your body. May help to open them up as well.

* Acts as a gentle enema or laxative: FTEE inceases your bowel movements and strengthens the peristaltic wave of your colon. (For instance, this morning I had my first bowel movement a few minutes after I woke up. Immediately after doing two sets of FTEE 3.0 I felt the urge to go to the bathroom again and had a medium sized bowel movement. This was all before I ate anything or drank anything. Same exact thing happened the previous two days. 

Even with the original version of FTEE I was experiencing a very noticeable increase in bowel movements as I had written about years ago.

Also did you ever have the experience where you knew you wanted to go number 2 but it just wasn't coming out? In those instances I just do 30 to 40 repetitions of the FTEE (which takes about a minute to a minute and a half) and usually a few minutes later I feel the strong urge to have a bowel movement. 

* Improves Balance by Strengthening Your Vestibular System - This is great for seniors or anyone with balance issues.

* Temporarily Opens Up Your Sinuses: This is just interesting because I have noticed this opens the sinuses up when you do the exercise. Unfortunately I don't think that opening of the sinuses lasts much after the exercise is over. 

* Very Gentle Exercise - It's not at all strenuous and you can get a great result in just 3 to 5 minutes per day. But you will likely have to build up slowly. 

2. The Holy Grail Antiaging Fitness System (HGAFS)


I have written a lot about HGAFS recently. It is absolutely tremendous at increasing energy levels, healing, detoxing and strengthening the body in a number of ways. 

HGAFS and Healercise work hand in hand. And they both can give you very similar benefits. In some ways Healercise will give you superior results and in other ways HGAFS will give you better results. 

However HGAFS does require a fairly expensive piece of exercise equipment. Whereas there is no equipment necessary to do the many Healercise exercises. 

So Healercise you can do just about anywhere. It's MUCH more convenient to use when you are traveling. 

And you can do many of the Healercise exercises while you are doing HGAFS. Now you will have both excellent options to choose from for healing, energizing and detoxing your body.

3. This May Be the Greatest Antiaging and Healing Herb on the Planet


This herb is incredible for healing the body because it has a number of different and potent mechanisms it does it with.

For instance it has been proven in multiple studies to dramatically increase the creation of the most potent antioxidants known to man. These are the endogenous antioxidants made in our own body including SOD (superoxide dismutase), glutathione and catalase. As people age (accumulate cellular damage) the production of these antioxidants goes way down and hence the aging process speeds up rapidly.

And it is also known for it's ability to increase your energy levels and so much more. 

It's also considered the number one of the most powerful adaptogenic herbs on the planet. 

This herb is great because it protects the body from the ravages of cellular damage (otherwise known as aging).

This is only the tip of the iceberg of what this very well studied herb can do for you.

Here I give a detailed report on the amazing healing and anti-aging benefits of this youth restoring and energizing herb.

If you could take only one healing herb then this would be a great choice. 

4. Instant Energy Exercises (IEE)


This is a full scale video program I made over a decade ago about a certain class of fun exercises that can boost your energy levels and fitness dramatically while also giving you a natural high.

IEE does not require any equipment. 

You can read all about it on this page below. But don't buy it there as you get it as my gift to you here.


IEE alone sells for $77.00 just to give you an idea of how valuable this package of goodies is.

5. Anti-Edema Exercise


If you have swelling of the lower legs or edema then this is one of the best things you can do to counteract that swelling. I asked DS and he told me it was a 10 out of 10 in terms of the ability to relieve the swelling caused by edema. 

If I don't get enough sleep I tend to get some swelling in my ankles and lower legs. According to DS my body has a problem of overpoducing lymphatic fluid if I don't get enough sleep on a consistent basis. If I get high quality sleep of at least 8 hours per night I won't have any swelling.

Soon after I started doing the Anti-Edema Exercise my swelling went away completely. Even after a day of sleeping only 5-hours and during a month of averaging less than 7 hours of sleep per night.

According to DS, he says that doing this exercise will be beneficial to anyone who has edema in the feet and legs regardless of the cause of their edema. As there are a number of different potential causes for edema.

NOTE: No equipment needed. This is a gentle exercise that requires minimal exertion.

6. Anti-Baldness Exercise


If you are losing your hair you definitely want to add this exercise into your hair regrowing routine. 

DS told us in 2020 about a similar exercise that was supposed to be very good for nourishing the scalp and helping to reverse alopecia or hair loss. Well I just asked DS now and he said this particular exercise is a 10 out of 10 in effectiveness for combating hair loss. 

NOTE: No equipment needed. This is a gentle exercise that requires minimal exertion.

7. Brain, Pineal and Pituitary Gland Building Exercise


This is an excellent exercise for nourishing and strengthening the entire brain. It is also good for improving memory and your mood.

I asked DS and he rated it a 10 out of 10 for healing the brain and the organs inside the brain like the pineal gland (which is also your third eye) and pituitary gland. 

He also said it was good for helping to decalcify the pineal gland. And this process will allow you to gradually open up your third eye so that you can receive direct communications from spirit and your guardian angels etc. 

DS said it is also good for people who have had a brain stroke. It helps to heal the damage from the stroke.

NOTE: No equipment needed. This is a gentle exercise that requires minimal exertion.


Get Healercise and the Endless Energy and Healing Bonuses Below


You can get Healercise and these awesome bonuses by becoming a LEN member. More info at the link below.

Light Energy Nutrition (LEN)



Or get Healercise and the bonuses only and with a low one time payment. 



Thank you for your support.

If you have any questions you can email me at support ( at ) superbeing ( dot ) com.

Your Radiant Health, Fitness and Infinite Potential Coach,

Roger David Haeske

Raw Medicine Man
Divinity Enforcer
The Youth Guru & Eternal Teanajer - Siempre Joven
The Raj of Raw and Sultan of Savory - Over 22-Years 100% Raw
"World leader in 100% Live Food Diet, Youth-Restoration and No-Equipment Fitness Training"