Light Energy Nutrition - Live Food Group Mentoring

Herbal Healing and Detox

Perpetual Youth Program

Roger Haeske - The Eternal Teanajer

Dear Health Enthusiast, 

You already know the Raw or Live-Light Food Diet can bring amazing happiness, healing and rejuvenation results. Only problem is that you might have tried going raw or live several times but for one reason or another you struggled to stick with it.

I know what that feels like. From the fall of 1996 until late summer of 2001 I struggled mightily trying to succeed with  a 100% Raw or Live Food Diet.

Failing to thrive could be for any number of reasons...

1. Excessive cooked food cravings

2. Feeling weak or having less energy

3. Getting very thin

4. Not losing weight (Yes some people feel they lose too much weight and others go raw and maybe lose a little weight but find they're still not anywhere close to their ideal weight.)

5. Feeling the onset of health problems even though on many levels you feel better than ever before.

6. Getting a lot more cavities than you used to

7. Excessive detox issues that make it a painful process

Well you're about to discover that all of these problems are because virtually every raw or live food system out there has serious flaws in it that will gradually if not quickly lead you to failure.

How can I say this? Because I've been around the raw food block so to speak. I've been eating a 99.9% Raw/Live Food Diet since the late summer of 2001. And most of that time I've been coaching and working with people to succeed with a full Live Food Diet.

I've seen just about everything and every system and every excuse and every lie. And yes there are plenty of intentional liars out there trying to confuse people so that they can never learn how to properly heal their body.

I'm one of the few live foodists who have lasted this long. And that's because I do things very differently than what is taught by most raw gurus and or authors. My body is not unique or special for I too struggled mightily for the first five years (from 1996 to 2001) of trying to go LIVE and thought I couldn't do it either.

Yes, I actually believed my body was incapable of going raw. Obviously I was wrong since I've been continuously raw since 2001.

I've discovered that virtually all raw/live food systems out there are nutritionally incomplete. For instance, people who follow a low fat Raw Food Diet will usually be low in about 7 very important nutrients. But again, this is not an issue with the Live Food Diet itself, it's an issue with the way most people mistakenly do it. 

But that's not the only problem. 

The other big problem is an assumption that most people going raw make. They assume that simply by going raw that all of their health problems will go away. And when that doesn't happen they become disillusioned and quit. 

That's the other side of equation. You have to heal the damage from your cooked food eating days if you want to thrive on a Live Food Diet.

Eating live foods is the prerequisite for this healing. You'll NEVER fully heal while still eating cooked food. It's just not possible due to all of the oxidative damage incurred from each cooked food meal you eat.

And so most live food systems only show you how to eat raw or live foods. Well you'll learn that here and how to do it in a nutritionally complete way (and delicious by the way) but you're also going to learn how to heal your body so that you can thrive while eating this way.

Just Going 100% Raw By Itself, Will Not Reverse All of the Damage from a Lifetime of Eating Cooked Food

For instance, the vast majority of people who eat cooked foods have done extensive damage to their digestive tract. Eating raw will certainly help to heal your intestines. But there are specific herbs you can take to make a much more complete healing than you can get even from a nutritionally complete Live Food Diet.

How do I know this? Because after almost 19 years of eating raw I was having a number of digestive issues. And quite honestly, at the time, I didn't even know that my digestive system was damaged.

Some of these issues (which I didn't know had to do with a damaged digestive tract) I've had the entire time I have been a raw foodist. And so these issues did not heal from eating raw for close to two decades.

But in the last 4 months or so I've had a DRAMATIC improvement in my digestion.

This thanks to advice from a remarkable being I've been fortunate enough to encounter whom I consider as one of the ultimate healers in existence. He's been giving my partner and me the most incredible healing advice I have ever heard. 

Below I'll list some of the benefits I've received from a suddenly very improved digestive system.

Improved Digestive System Benefits 

  • Used to feel hungry after eating a meal of juicy fruit. (I was told that was due to not absorbing all of the nutrients from the juicy fruit.) Now that my digestion is improved I can for the first time (in 24 years "when I first attempted to go raw") feel full for 4 hours or longer after a juicy fruit meal.
  • Now I can also break all sorts of food combining rules and get away with it. And that is because of how much my digestion has healed and improved.
  • No more stomach aches or ulcers. (This started happening to me in the last few years or so. Was not a problem in my first 15 years being a live foodist.) I was told it may have had to do with less than sanitary living conditions and food when I lived in Mexico. And or from experimenting with eating HUGE meals or one meal per day. I also may have been damaged by an iodine supplement I was experimenting with that for some people causes stomach issues.)
  • Now I can eat avocados at just about any time regardless of what other foods I combine it with and yet, no digestive issues. (Recently I could get severe stomach aches if I ate an avocado combined with anything else.)
  • I'm much more resistant to sunburn. (Why? Because I am now more completely digesting and assimilating all of the powerful antioxidants in my fruits, vegetables, roots etc.) To think that for almost 19 years I was not getting all of my nutrients due to my digestive tract being in less than ideal shape from my cooked food days is mind boggling. But it's the truth.
  • My body now seems to be absorbing B12 again (I'm still testing this out as in I'm not taking my B12 supplement) in the lower intestinal area. (This again I was told by our higher source healing mentor that was due to my improved digestion. So yes, if your digestion is in good working order you won't have to supplement with vitamin B12 like I've had to do for the last 18 years. The healthy human body is designed to produce its own B12 via bacterial fermentation in the lower intestinal tract.)

The great news is there is a very powerful nutrient from a common food that does absolute wonders for the entire digestive tract. It's like anti-aging for the entire digestive system.

And there are special detox protocols you can do that can heal your intestines and digestive tract in a way that simply cannot be done from eating live foods alone.

In fact, absorbing B12 is very easy to do, yet approximately 80% of humanity cannot properly absorb B12 due to all of the incredible damage they've accumulated from years of eating cooked food and junk food.

Eating cooked food (we were told especially meat and dairy) wreaks incredible havoc on the human digestive tract. And therefore it is crucial to heal your digestive system if you plan on being able to absorb the abundant nutrients in the raw, live or what I call Light Foods that you are eating.

You'll never thrive on any diet if your digestive system is compromised. But the truth is that cooked food itself is highly damaging to the digestive tract. So you're going to want to heal that as soon as you start eating Light Energy Foods.

And you'll learn how to do this starting the very first day you become a member of...

Light Energy Nutrition - Live Food Group Mentoring

Nutrient Complete Light Food Nutrition + Herbal Healing & Detox = Paradise Health, Happiness & Perpetual Youth - Live Food Diet group mentoring with Roger Haeske the Eternal Teanajer.

As a result of finally figuring out the Nutrient Complete raw food or live food system my health has been improving. And in truth, I've only fully put the Nutrient Complete System together as of about February of 2020. Though for many years I've eaten more nutrient complete than the vast majority of raw foodists. But I didn't get all of the puzzle pieces in place until then.

But the even more dramatic improvement has come about with frequent contact with our higher source master healer. I haven't even told you about the fact that I feel super energetic and youthful. I feel like I'm 20 years old again in that department.

I also had some excessively wrinkled skin on my arms below the elbow (I believe from too much intense Arizona sunlight) but over the course of 4 months the skin is looking way better or young, soft and it feels silky smooth like the rest of my skin. It has been a gradual healing process and now it looks 90% better.

This is due to the Youth Restoring Protocol we've been doing on the recommendation of our higher source master healer.

And, my digestive system feels better and is in way better shape than when I first went 100% raw over 19 years ago. 

Plus he's actually shown me a way to improve my hearing. I damaged it over 20 years ago listening to very loud sounds including a screeching loud cheap blender.

But for the first time with a special herbal protocol, my hearing has been improving dramatically. It's a wonderful feeling when you start hearing sounds and high pitched frequencies you could not hear for decades. And yes this includes that I'm hearing much louder than before. I don't have perfect hearing yet but it has improved dramatically.

And yes, I'll be sharing how I've dramatically improved my hearing with "Light Energy Nutrition" members in the near future. It's really a very easy thing to do actually.

Can Humans Live to 200 or 300 Years of Age?

Yes, we're even learning how to stop and even reverse aging. Apparently this is not only possible but natural. Because aging is really just damage to the body. We were told by our higher source master healer that there is no biological need to age whatsoever.

Mind you, this was a shocker for me because even I have been aging (albeit at a much, much slower rate) eating 100% live foods. But in the last four months or so I've been getting biologically younger by a significant margin. So I know from experience that what our higher source healer has been telling us is absolutely true.

We were also advised that animals in the wild that live in pristine conditions (not fed by man, for one thing) do not age. 

Just think about it for a second.

Have you ever seen a decrepeit senior citizen looking wild animal?

Yes maybe some pigeons who are constantly eating cooked food like bread that humans ignorantly feed them and hence they can start looking old.

But truly wild animals do not age much at all if they do. They'd age way less if the Earth "air and water" wasn't so polluted.

I look around here in Arizona and see quail and road runners all the time and yet I never, ever see an old looking one of them. And they certainly they are NEVER overweight.

Same with the many kinds of doves that come to the park here. They don't eat human food so they all look great. I've just never seen an old looking dove in the many years I've lived here. And I go to the park almost every day.

Same even with the hawks. They never look old in the slightest. They all look young. And they're the top of the food chain around here. They're not getting hunted so I'm sure they're living to a ripe old age.

I've never seen an old looking wild rabbit either. Nor are they ever overweight.

We were informed by our higher source that wild animals don't die from old age, they die because they are ready to leave their body and go onto a new or higher form of life in their next incarnation. Hence, they actually leave their body willingly and knowingly. 


Side Note: In the summer of 2020 my highly empathic and psychic ex partner discovered from first hand experience that animals are WAY smarter than we gave them credit for. Do you know that animals of the same species talk to each other telepathically the way humans talk to each other with voice? Yes that is true. They're very intelligent and have a full society and culture. How do I know. Because my ex partner could communicate telepathically with various different animals. She even became really good friends with a female deer she calls Peaches. And she was able to feed her by hand. I also was able to do this thanks to my partner's efforts. And because I don't smell horribly to the deer because I don't eat meat or cooked food.

No one else where we lived could get so close to the deer as we did because they smell very bad to the deer from eating cooked food, dairy and meat. Deer have an incredible sense of smell. And they can read your thoughts like an open book. So if you mean them no harm and eat vegetarian foods you're much more likely to be able to feed them. That is if you put in enough time and build up trust with the deer. Though I must say, it really helps to also be able to communicate telepathically with the deer.


Yes some animals die from being hunted, poisoned or injuries etc.

But if given their natural live food nutrition and given as pollutant free an environment as possible... animals will not age. 

A similar thing apparently was happening for humans in Biblical times and I suppose times prior to that. No they didn't eat a perfect Raw Food Diet but their food quality was much better than most people eat today. And the planet was not nearly as polluted as it is now. (Though their hygiene and sanitations systems weren't the best.)

Even so, these people very often lived to 100 years old. And a number of them to 200 or 300 years back then. And when they left their body, it wasn't because it was totally warn out, it was because they intuitively felt it was time to move on to a new mission. Their deaths were more voluntary than due to being sick as happens with virtually all people these days.

Hence, as a "Light Energy Nutrition" member, you're going to learn how to heal all sorts of damage to your body. As a result, you will become healthier, biologically youngear and hence, perpetually young... an eternal teenager if you will.

We were told there is no actual limit to cell replication. All you need is to release extra stem cells which can easily be done by eating live foods. And you need to repair the damage to your DNA, digestive tract and your vital bodily organs and glands etc. The greater your working DNA the younger you'll effectively be no matter when you were born.

Well, you'll learn all of this inside "Light Energy Nutrition". 

How the LEN Content is Delivered

You'll be receiving most everything via emails. Sometimes a live broadcast email or with the time released emails or autoresponder sequence emails.

The content will either be in the email or I may point you to videos I have made or that others have made that are important.

What You'll Get Inside of Light Energy Nutrition

Below is what you will get inside of the LEN membership within your first 30 days of membership. Please realize that I concentrate a ton of info in the first 30 days. And I do that because this is very important information that I want to get to you as soon as possible. So if you can't process all of the information in the first 30 days that is fine. Just save the emails and get back to it when you have more time.

After the first 30 days the flow of information slows down to a more manageable pace. For the next two months you'll receive content emails on autopilot about once a week. And you will also receive anything new I create in that month.

Also coming soon, I plan to host a live event for members. We'll be doing a "30-Day Raw Challenge" where we'll work together to go raw gradually and then eventually go to 100% raw in the last two weeks.

First 30-Days of LEN Content

NOTE: This content list is current as of April 11, 2021. However, it may change in the future.

[LEN] Welcome to "Light Energy Nutrition"

[LEN] IMPORTANT: How to Heal Your Digestive System

[LEN] Our Higher Source, Slimmerizing, Safe Gallstone Flush & Much More

[LEN] IMPORTANT: Fix Adrenal Glands & Kidneys (Test if Filtering)
"VERY IMPORTANT: Fix Your Adrenal Glands and Kidneys and Take a Simple at Home Test to See if Your Kidneys are Filtering Properly

[LEN] See What I Eat (6-8-2020 Light Food Nutrition Log)

Now you can see exactly what Light Energy Foods I'm eating and why? I recorded this on June 8, 2020. Plus I go into the importance of certain foods to obtain certain nutrients. Including my list of the 7 most difficult to get nutrients when you follow a high carbohydrate and lower fat Light Energy Diet. 

[LEN] 6-9-2020 Roger's Light Food Log [Day 2]

[LEN] 6-10-2020 Roger's Light Food Log [Day 3]

[LEN] Safe Coffee Alternative - Weak Adrenals - Kidney Filtering Test

[LEN] 6-11-2020 Roger's Light Food Log [Day 4]

[LEN] Heavy Menstruation & How to Boost Iron Levels Safely

[LEN] How to Reverse Baldness, Thinning Hair & Improve Hair Quality

We asked our Divine Source how to reverse balding in men (and women too) and below he's given us his answers. I did a follow up session to get even more detail and clarity. And new information was revealed in the follow up session as well.

[LEN] 6-12-2020 Roger's Light Food Log [Day 5]

[LEN] "Mighty Mouth - Dental Invincibility System" and a Useful Rant

How to Remineralize Your Teeth, Never Get a Cavity Again, Wipe Out Gum Disease and Regrow Adult Teeth
(NOTE: Only about 40% of the human population has the proper genetics and or DNA to regrow new teeth. But just about everyone can remineralize their cavities and get rid of gum disease entirely.)

[LEN] 6-13-2020 Roger's Light Food Log [Day 6]

[LEN] Super Delicious, Nutritious & Filling SVS Recipe + Nutrient Breakdown

[LEN] 6-14-2020 Roger's Light Food Log [Day 7]

[LEN] Meal Prep & Eating Length + High Nutrient Foods + Valuable Tips

This is an email conversation I had with one of my coaching clients. We had just done a Skype session the other day and he was wondering how long it takes me to make and eat my meals.

So I sent him a series of short emails on this topic and I will include them all here. As you'll see, I go into quite a bit of detail on how I eat and why. I even just found out a food that is much higher in vitamin E per weight than spinach and included that in my emails. You'll also learn some tips and tricks of how to succeed with eating the Nutrient Complete way and some super nutrient dense foods that may surprise you.

[LEN] VERY Exciting - My Wrinkles are Suddenly Disappearing

[LEN] What are the Best Berries to Eat and Why + Repair DNA + Most Nutritious Fruit

[LEN] 01.15.21 Break-Fast Breakdown + Nutrient Complete Made Easy

I made this "Break-Fast Breakdown" video for one of my coaching clients because he was not eating his breakfast in a way to maximize the seven hard to get nutrients. Now with the content in this video and the previous one about the "Best Berries and Nutrient Comparison" that gave him light bulb moments.

And I also made him a private video, where I went over his previous day of eating inside his Cronometer account and pointed out the things he needed to work on.  What's obvious to me as someone who's been teaching and mentoring people on the Live Food Diet for over 18 years now and been doing it for over 19 years myself, is not so obvious to the newcomer. Even though this client has tried MANY times to go raw in the past over quiet a number of years.

Unfortunately, the way he was always doing it in his many previous attempts was 100% guaranteed to fail. He always started running into problems and had no chance of beating his addiction to cooked foods because he was making a whole bunch of very common of mistakes.

But not anymore.

He's really starting to enjoy what he's eating. He's finding it so much easier with information he has never seen before in all of the raw food videos he used to watch daily on Youtube and all of the Raw Food books and websites he's read in the past. In fact, he just recently finished a stint of going 100% raw for 60 days and he reported that it was easy and that he had no cooked food cravings whatsoever. That was a complete and total breakthrough for him.

This breakthrough information which makes it so much easier to succeed with a Raw or Live Food Diet is stuff I share here freely with you in the Light Energy Nutrition Group. 

Plus, in today's video, I'm doing something new for breakfast. Believe it or not this new thing will help you to maintain a beautiful jaw line and face. Plus it will help your body to heal the adrenal glands and kidneys. And it also helps you boost your zinc, vitamin K and iron levels and hence also improves your ability to achieve Nutrient Complete.


The above is what you'll get in your first 30-days of membership inside of LEN. There is much more coming in the following months that has already been put into the system to be delivered to you automatically. But as I said before, it will come at a more manageable rate.


Once you've joined I suspect you'll realize that just the content listed above is easily worth 50X the small investment to join Light Energy Nutrition - Group Mentoring.

In all modesty, I believe this is Earth shattering information. In fact, this is what one of our members had to say just about the 14 Live Food Log videos that show what I eat in a day and why I chose to eat these specific live foods. These videos have a ton of useful information. If you've been struggling to go raw this will open your eyes to what you need to do to make it work but also to make it taste delicious.


The playlist is great, Roger! very informative! What a game changer this is going to be.

talk to you soon
John Primerano


In fact, three of the emails above are actually complete programs or full products that you'd normally have to pay for separately. I'm talking about these:

How to Reverse Baldness, Thinning Hair & Improve Hair Quality (For men and women)

"Mighty Mouth - Dental Invincibility System"

A Quick, Easy, Powerful and Yet Totally Safe Gallstone Flush

I could easily sell these on their own for $500 each. But you'll get them at no extra charge as part of your first 30-days of Light Energy Nutrition membership.

And by the way, you can and should live to a ripe old age with a full head of hair. But only if you're in a healthy body and eating nutrient complete.

Plus you can reverse baldness with this system our higher source master healer showed us how. I'm telling you, this is mind-blowing and super useful information that you won't find anywhere else.

But I'll be adding way more. In fact, I have many videos that I've used with video coaching clients in the past that I'll be adding to the membership as time goes by. I have a whole lot more planned to make it as easy, quick and enjoyable as possible for you to transition from health wrecking cooked food to youth, health and happiness restoring Light Energy Foods.

The reason I asked our higher source master healer about the gallstone flush was because one of our initial charter members had questions about it. He explained to me the gallstone flush he had done in the past and I suspected it was not a healthy thing to do. 

So I asked higher source and he provided a completely safe system for doing a gallstone flush. Our charter member then started using this easy to do flush daily. Within a few weeks his gallbladder stopped giving him any problems and he was finally able to eat fatty foods without issue.

Also I should add that with the help of this membership this charter member has been a 100% Raw or Light Foodist for about 2 months now. And he claims he never wants to go back to cooked food.

And our first charter member was also eating 100% Light Energy Foods for quite a while. I'm not sure if he is still or not. But last I communicated with him he was eating 100% live foods. 

Oh and did I mention one of the most valuable perks of Light Energy Nutrition membership?

Ask Me Your Live Food Diet and Healing Questions

And of course, you'll be able to ask me your questions. And since it's an inexpensive group membership I'll be taking your questions and my answers and sharing them with the entire group so that everyone benefits from the answer. But do realize I won't include your name or any information that could reveal your identity when I do this. It's a totally anonymous process.

Just click on the "Add to Cart" button below if you believe this elite information is something you want to possess. I think you'll find that some of this information is not available anywhere else on the planet thanks to 19 years of my own unique experiences,  experiments and an open mind. Including my Nutrient Complete Light Food Nutrition System.

But even more due to our very fortunate ability to contact this higher source master healer who's been sharing stunning new healing and anti-aging information with us that has dramatically improved my health. 

How Might Light Energy Nutrition (LEN) Change Your Life?

I think you will agree that just the information you get in the first day of membership is easily worth more than a $1,000. If you have digestive issues like stomach aches, ulcers, IBS or other digestive system problems, then this information may save you many thousands of dollars in medical expenses and a whole lot of misery. In fact, the information you will get in just the first day also helps to heal the liver and is very anti-aging for other parts of the body as well.

But it will also make it much more likely that you'll be able to thrive on raw foods for years to come. The digestive system usually does NOT fully heal just by going raw on its own. Inside LEN (on your first day) I'll show you a simple and inexpensive method of healing your entire digestive tract from mouth to rectum.

When your digestive system is working properly, you may find yourself gaining all sorts of seeming superpowers 'compared to your normal state' as a result. Like immunity to sunburn for one, even if you're pale skinned. And regaining your natural ability to absorb the B12 created in your own gut so that you never need to supplement with vitamin B12 again. But there are other benefits beyond that.

I know of a woman who over the course of 20 years paid $30,000 to doctors to help her relieve her painful IBS (Irritable Bowel Syndrome). Yet all that money spent never improved anything and likely made things much worse. When she tried just part of the information I reveal in the "How to Heal Your Digestive System" method (that you will get in your first day of LEN membership) her IBS pain went away forever. And at infinitely lower cost than those costly doctor visits. And she's not the only one, many other people doing the same thing she did have reported their IBS symptoms disappearing.

Yet what you'll be learning inside of LEN is 10x more powerful for healing the digestive system than what this woman and these other people did. This breakthrough information inside of LEN is not something you'll find in any other Raw or Live Food Program that I'm aware of.

Many other raw "gurus" are way too dogmatic and close-minded to even think about figuring this stuff out. They treat their methods of eating raw like a religion that must be done in a very limited way. They make all sorts of ridiculous assumptions about what is natural. And they don't take into account the massive changes made to the human body after a 30, 40 or 50 years or more of eating cooked food.

If you want to succeed at eating raw you have to take into account the extreme damage to the body most people have endured. And you have to reverse that damage. Even the taste buds of humans are very limited due to generations of eating cooked food. So you cannot base your food choices on very perverted cooked food taste buds. Inside of LEN I show you a quick and easy way to grow new taste buds so that you can enjoy eating all sorts of foods you never used to like. Foods that have immense healing power.

For instance, many of these "gurus" don't even acknowledge the fact that animals are wise enough to seek out and use herbs in their environment to heal themselves when they get sick. And this is actually proven. Animals are MUCH, MUCH wiser than we give them credit for. So why shouldn't we  also partake of herbs if they help us to heal?

And then when you consider the value of the information in the rest of the first month of LEN alone... it is astonishing because it can save you from years of pain and I believe it can extend your life 10 or 20 years or more in radiant health. Not sickly years but super healthy and energetic extra years of life.

And this can dramatically improve your health even if you've already been a raw foodist for over a decade. It certainly revolutionized my health and I had already been 100% raw for 18 years at the time I learned much of this new information.

In your first 31 days you'll receive at least 21 different pieces of health and youth enhancing content. Much of it is brand new even to me, starting as of this past summer. So even if you've been a member of my previous information regarding how to thrive as a raw foodist, you'll learn brand new and life revolutionizing information in LEN. Simple little shifts in how you do things can make a monumental difference in your health and will beautify and youthify your physical appearance.

Click the Add To Cart Button below to Join 

Light Energy Nutrition - Live Food Group Mentoring

NOTE: The first month payment is an initiation fee to cover the extreme healing knowledge you'll receive in your first 30 days of membership. 

NOTE2: You can cancel your LEN membership at any time. However, if you wish to cancel and rejoin, then you will have to pay the initiation fee again and start at the very beginning as this information is delivered or dripped out to you via automated emails. The content comes in the form of written and video content.



Your Radiant Health, Fitness and Infinite Potential Coach,

Roger Haeske
The Eternal Teanajer - Siempre Joven
The Raj of Raw and Sultan of Savory - Over 19-Years 100% Raw
"World leader in 100% Raw Food Diet, Youth-Restoration and No-Equipment Fitness Training"

P.S. Below is something I wrote as a comment to a member of a private group that I have organized. Basically this long time customer was wondering if he really needed any extra information to succeed with the Raw Food Diet besides him already owning my Savory Veggie Stews program.

The problem is if "you don't know what you don't know". And why reinvent the wheel? See below and you'll see what I mean.


Aloha M,

Yes, going raw requires taking charge of your own food. And you’ll need to learn to prepare your own food. There is a bit of a learning curve but when you get it you will be amazed at how much you actually enjoy what you are eating.

As for whether just owning Savory Veggie Stews (SVS) is enough. It’s mostly a recipe program with a some Raw Food Diet advice as well. However, I created SVS in 2009. It has NONE of my latest findings. Nothing about how to do Raw Complete or Nutrient Complete. My recommendation as being completely honest with you is that the LEN group is by FAR the best money you can invest in your life.

Yes it’s important to eat greens. But you also have to know which are the absolute most important greens to focus on and how much of each of them you need to eat. This is crucially important for achieving complete nutrition and for healing your body. Most raw foodists have no clue about this at all. But it goes far beyond just which greens to eat. There are certain fruit that are superior nutritionally and for healing DNA purposes that you should be focusing on.

It’s completely new information from me. Very far beyond anything I’ve ever taught so far. It will be the difference between failure and success. You obviously have no idea how valuable this information is, otherwise you would have invested already. And do realize that you get to ask me questions as part of the membership.

Basically, it’s like spending $100 to get back $100,000 in life improving and pain removing value. And that is being conservative in my estimation. That is how valuable this information can be to you over the course of your lifetime. If not way more valuable.

So, just as I said in the previous comment. Most people fail at going raw because they don’t know what they are doing. Eating raw is not something that comes intuitively or that you’ll be able to do automatically. Just like you learned to eat from your parents you need to relearn to eat the right way from a very experienced and successful live foodist.

And without the information in LEN you are making things needlessly difficult for yourself. I promise you the information will change your life like nothing ever has.

Instead of going on a much straighter line to success with raw eating you would be more in a state like I was in the late 1990’s. You may try and fail at going 100% raw for 5 years or more. During that time you will have gotten even more diseases to deal with from eating cooked food and yet you’re still struggling to stay raw.

Then when you finally figure out how to go raw and stay raw (after 5, 10 or 20 years or longer) you may start having a number of health problems over the course of 5 to 10 years of eating 100% raw. I know more than one person who has been trying to go raw on their own for over 30 years and failing every time.

And you will likely start to show signs of aging. All this because you didn’t invest a very small amount of extra money.

One guy who has tried to go raw on his own for over 30 years (if my memory is correct but at least 2 decades) is a friend of mine. And he’s turning into an old man right before my eyes. I’ve known him for a little over a decade now. He’s really kind of smart and yet his judgments are not always the best. He has never once taken me up on my offer to coach him. Yes he purchased Savory Veggie Stews (SVS) but never my coaching and his health is now falling apart. He insists on doing everything his way. Even after I have given him all sorts of free advice he still ends up doing things his own way and always going back to cooked food because he's making so many freaking mistakes. As a result of his many attempts to go raw he has lost at least 6 of his teeth (could be more). He lost those teeth not because there’s a problem with the raw diet but the problem was in his very nutrient deficient way of eating raw. His ego is destroying his life. A very smart and kind person, yet deluded, who thinks he knows much more than he really does.

Join LEN now and you’ll do live foods the right way almost immediately. You’ll soon learn to really love what you eat. And you’ll learn what to do to really heal yourself so that you can gain the most benefit from the LIGHT ENERGY FOODS. Maybe even that lifelong health problem you told me about will start to heal. Though I can’t guarantee that happening.

Plus you’ll learn the secret to being physically immortal. Divine Source taught us that. (So far it seems to be working. Just last night I noticed that the laugh lines in my face which I’ve had for decades now are starting to fill in. A little over a centimeter in length of my laugh lines have filled in on both the right and left side. And several other wrinkles have disappeared, including most of my former crow’s feet wrinkles. Plus I had sun damaged skin on my forearms that is 90% repaired too since following the advice of DS.)

You’ll also learn how to heal all sorts of diseases. Stuff that you can’t do simply by going raw. I had health issues that never healed by going raw but healed quickly by following the advice given to me by Divine Source. And what healed was vitally important to my health, the cornerstone of great health. If you don’t heal these things you cannot heal your body. And most raw foodists never heal these things.

So I’m not saying this stuff as a salesman to you M. just to line my own pockets. I’m saying it as a person who wishes the best for you and I honestly think this is information you NEED right now.

The mistakes you make on your own going raw will waste many years of your life and will cost you tens of thousands of dollars. You can’t see that because you think you’ll just figure it out. It took me almost 19 years to fully “figure it out” and I was doing a TON of research and working with other people over that time. Yes I was doing way better than most but I still did not have all the missing pieces.

I aged needlessly because of this. I also had a number of illnesses that never needed to happen due to missing information. My health now compared to this time last year is vastly superior. To give you an example. The past couple of years I’ve been suffering with stomach aches and ulcers. Sometimes they were quite severe and very painful. It was a big problem and I didn’t even understand what caused it. Just eating an avocado started causing me major problems. But now that is completely gone. I am a new man. I think better, I feel better, I have more energy and need less sleep and much of that is due to the information I learned from Divine Source.

But had I been only following my own advice that I knew up to last year this time I would still be suffering with stomach aches and ulcers from time to time. And it forced me to be very strict with my food combining whereas now I can do food combinations that used to give me an ulcer and I don’t even get the slightest stomach ache. My health has improved dramatically by improving my digestion.

Several problems I’ve had my entire time as a raw foodist have now gone away. One of which was that I could not easily get full on juicy fruit no matter how many calories of it I ate. Well now I can because of my improved digestion. You simply have no idea how incredibly valuable this new information is.

I believe that I now do have all the missing pieces to make eating raw a masterpiece and a party at the same time. I recommend you take advantage of it.



P.P.S. If you have any questions about Light Energy Nutrition please email me at

support ( at ) superbeing ( dot ) com